Welcome to the PeplerOptics promotions page where you can find details of all current special offers that are available now. Access great savings on the latest microscopes, cameras, magnifiers and optical instruments.

Current Promotions

These savings are time and stock limited

Bundle offer 7% discount

Order now as stock is limited, all offers are subject to stock being available. We reserve the right to cancel or amend all promotions at any time without prior notice. Your statutory rights are not affected.

Regular Savings

These savings run throughout the year and are not time limited.

Regular savings have no end date but we reserve the right to cancel or amend it any time without prior notice. Your statutory rights are not affected.

*Caution: this offer does not check compatibility between any microscope and camera. If you are unsure which camera is best suited to your chosen microscope please contact us and we will be pleased to guide you.

Request a Quote

We know there are many reasons you might need a quotation so we have made it quick and easy to request one. Following the RFQ instructions here.

In short just use the "Add to Quote" button instead of the "Add to Basket"

If you have desired target price or budget please let us know on the Request a Quote form comments.